Now available on
my Thinkific site!
Thinkific is a terrific site that allows me to share videos on a variety of topics related to mobile photography, traditional photography, infrared photography, and image processing.
Some tutorials are free while others are available for a modest fee that allows me to continue to create and offer them.
The site is new and currently has only a few titles available, but I'll be adding to the list of topics over the coming weeks and months.
Click the button below to create an account to be notified when new titles are added.
Detailed Photography Tutorials that Guide you
My tutorials are intended for the everyone.
Whether you are casual photographer wanting to improve, a professional adopting the iPhone as another tool in your camera bag, or an artist who wants to take advantage of the myriad tools available for creatives today, you'll find the support you need.
I use plain language, with minimal photography jargon, and I share what I've learned by sharing my desktop or my iPhone to demonstrate so you can see how apps and processes work.
My background is in Photojournalism which I began in the film days. In 2010, I formed Rad Drew Photography, LLC shortly after getting my first iPhone – an iPhone 4! – in 2009. Since then I've been creating with a variety of digital cameras and processes and especially love the iPhone for its portability and all the creative options in the palm of our hand.
Click Each image below for details about the video.