How I Did It!™ The Art of B&W on Your iPho - Rad A. Drew Photography

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How I Did It!™ The Art of B&W on Your iPhone Tutorial!

Did you miss last year's webinar on creating black and white images with your iPhone? 

If so, you're in luck!

Access to a recording of How I did It!™; The Art of Black and White on your iPhone! is now available for purchase. 

Your purchase will allow you access to the recording through December 2024!

In addition to the link to the recording you'll also receive PDFs of:

  • My presentation slides, and
  • My Mobile resource handout with links to a few favorite apps, accessories I use, and discounts. 

In the webinar you'll learn: 

  • To compose for impact
  • How to choose images suitable for conversion to B&W
  • Tips for processing B&W images
  • Various apps and techniques for creating dramatic black and white images 
  • Tools for sculpting light to draw attention to specific elements within the image
  • and much more!

While this webinar is targeted to iPhone users, the concepts and most (but not all) of the apps also run on android phones. Android users are welcome with the understanding that some apps presented may not run on android phones.

You may purchase access to the recording via the PayPal link at the bottom of this page. (Please allow 24-48 hours (usually much earlier) to receive links as this is not an automated process.)


Thank you!

Link to Video Recording $13.99 USD

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