IMG_1189 - Rad A. Drew Photography

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Indiana Photo Gallery

Those who know me, know how much I appreciate my home state of Indiana. Growing up in Dearborn County in the southeastern part of the state, I hiked many of the adjacent counties with my family, mostly my father. On weekends when other kids went to the mall, my sisters and I, each with a friend along, would pile into the station wagon and hit the country roads. No matter what else we did, our goal was to "get lost!"

We'd stop at farms and ask to hike the woods, hunt for mushrooms, or walk plowed fields looking for arrow heads. I don't remember ever being turned away. It was through this contact with rural Indiana that I developed my love of farmers, farms, barns, creeks, hills, old churches, livestock, and our gorgeous and seasonally changing countryside.

Today, many years later, I still enjoy driving country roads with my cameras prepared to photograph the riches to be found there. Mom and Dad died in 2017 and 2018, respectively, but I often feel them with my as I explore the Indiana countryside.

Our Indiana barns are a favorite pleasure and it saddens me to see so many of them collapsing or being harvested for the lumber. I feel like I'm on a race to photograph as many as I can before they – or I – go!

I hope you enjoy these images. Like all my photos, they are for sale. Please contact me via this link regarding sales or just to comment on the images. I love hearing from fellow Hoosiers and others who appreciate our home state.

IMG_1189 - Rad A. Drew Photography